
Hope Thrives In Aurora

Hope Thrives in Aurora After the disheartening Town of Aurora Public Planning Meeting in February, I needed a sense of hope.  I felt defeated and didn’t understand what had happened – my town would never exclude anybody, would they?  But they did.  I needed a sense of peace and hope.   (Read more about that meeting at this AuroraToday - local news link ) I looked up 14452 Yonge Street on my phone and wanted to visit.  I was curious what the train felt like and how the pumping station impacted a sense of peace.  I was open to being wrong, but I wasn’t.  I brought my dog Target, and maybe forgot my leash that day.  I drove south from my home, slowly approached the entrance and didn’t know if I was allowed to drive in.  I did!  It was a small thrill of excitement.  The laneway was maintained, and all snow removed, it had a certain welcome feeling.  I opened my car door, Target jumped out and was at home.  No leash, no bylaw.  Only peace.  It would be an understatement to say he loved it.

His Name Is William

I love this town and all that is offered, especially our public green spaces .  I visit 14452 Yonge Street on almost a daily basis; it is perhaps the most tranquil and peaceful public space in town .  My dog is especially a fan; he knows the property well and enjoys all the smells nature has to offer...he has yet to smell the pumping station .  His name is Target, he is part of the hound family.   Target and I were heading to my usual space at 14452 Yonge last week when I decided to make a quick detour and visit Williams Secondary School .  I parked on the side, opened my car door and noticed a tent along the outskirts of the sports field .  I went along my way, letting my dog enjoy the sports fields as much as I do .  Target led me directly to the tent, smelled the side and was very much interested in meeting the owner .  A zipper opened, a young man with a big smile popped his head out and said, “Hi” with a big smile .  He asked my dog’s name, he chuckled at Target .  He informed

Aurora Food Pantry: A solution provider is asked about transition out of the cycle of support (Coming Soon)

   Aurora Food Pantry A solution provider is asked about transition out of the cycle of support  COMING SOON

Where does The Region of York fit in? Why are they even involved? (Coming Soon)

  Where does The Region of York fit in?   Providing solutions for homelessness and housing falls into their jurisdiction. We look to them for expertise and planning. Here's the story. COMING SOON

Disappointment, after working so many years on solutions (Coming Soon)

  Disappointment  After working so many years on solutions They've worked to provide solutions to vulnerable people in the area and saw a valuable addition to the sector on the horizon in Aurora. The story of David and Paula Hanna and their disappointment in the decision to not support the Men's Emergency and Transition Housing.  They grown to know the men and women who are homeless and using the support services in the area.  A personal tale of their relationships with them and their connection to their future direction and well being. COMING SOON

Aurora Cares, Housing For All - The Launch

We were shocked.   There was general disbelief among so many in the room. It was after midnight at a Town of Aurora zoning committee meeting and there was a cheer from those who opposed the Men's Emergency and Transitional Housing project when Council voted 4-3 against the minor variances required to move forward with this long awaited project.  NIMBYism notched another win. Was that really a "cheer" to postpone giving shelter and a place to move-on to vulnerable people in York Region?  As I exited Aurora Town Hall, my headlights caught a bicycle with bags hanging from the handle bars, and a man collecting bottles from recycling bins.  Was it ironic that he'd been working the street as Council decided options for vulnerable citizens just a few meters away?  I was morose. It only took a few days for that shock and disappointment to manifest itself in a group of community supporters of this project.  Adam Mobbs took the lead and was quickly joined by Lee Glavaz and they