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 Newsletter Archive

Sent June 30, 2024

Info Aurora Cares

Sun, Jun 30, 11:50 AM (2 days ago)
to Info, bcc: me
Dear Supporter of Aurora Cares, Housing for All,

You are part of a fast growing number of supporters of Aurora Cares, Housing For All.  You want to see the Town of Aurora reconsider the Men's Transitional and Emergency Shelter proposed by The Region of York.  The supporters come from a wide background, some have worked professionally and as volunteers serving this vulnerable sector, some are housing professionals, builders and community leaders, others are concerned citizens.

We have exciting news about our launch and recent advocacy activities.  We are trying to call all the supporters and we've heard that you'd like to know more about what is going on and how to assist.  So, we will be sending emails at least every 2 weeks while this issue is still hot and more often if there is special breaking news. Nothing fancy, just some text and a few images.

You've joined a fast growing group with over 350 supporters, like you, pledging to get involved and assist in this grassroots community effort.  Well done!

Aurora Cares logo.png

What Can You Do Now?
You can help strengthen the impact of your participation in several ways:
  • Share this email update with like-minded friends, ask them to JOIN US NOW by following this link.  This just show support and subscribes a person to our email update
  • Join our Facebook Group and Like and Share our posts
  • Write a letter of support to the editor of The Auroran Brock Wier -; at or by visiting:  Letter to the Editor - .

Here are some links:

Our First Blog - read Who?, Why?, Where?, What?... with a new story every week or two.  The most recent blog, His Name Is William had almost 1,000 views (maybe more by the end of the week)

Our Facebook Page - join the conversation in a Private Group with like-minded supporters and learn about action you can take to help.  Share your own stories.
What have we been doing?
  • The organizing committee has been meeting every two weeks to coordinate and develop plans
  • They have also been calling as many of the 350 plus supporters possible
  • Setting up at the Farmer's Market to get feedback and share the new 
  • Arranging for articles in The Auroran and the new online media channel called AuroraToday, like this one about 24 year old Lyndsay Breedon
  • A member of the committee, Jody Blackburn, also wrote a meaningful letter to the editor of The Auroran June 13 issue, page 4.
  • We've been setting up meetings with the Councillors to hear from them and to let them know we are advocating for reconsideration of this issue
  • Requesting information from The Region of York that will help us understand the issue better and inform us on how to move forward
  • We've made a Freedom of Information Request to review some communications between the Town of Aurora and The Region.  We wanted to know what kinds of things were discussed and their timing.  Stay tuned, we'll let you know what we distilled from this.


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