
Showing posts from July, 2024

Hope Thrives In Aurora

Hope Thrives in Aurora After the disheartening Town of Aurora Public Planning Meeting in February, I needed a sense of hope.  I felt defeated and didn’t understand what had happened – my town would never exclude anybody, would they?  But they did.  I needed a sense of peace and hope.   (Read more about that meeting at this AuroraToday - local news link ) I looked up 14452 Yonge Street on my phone and wanted to visit.  I was curious what the train felt like and how the pumping station impacted a sense of peace.  I was open to being wrong, but I wasn’t.  I brought my dog Target, and maybe forgot my leash that day.  I drove south from my home, slowly approached the entrance and didn’t know if I was allowed to drive in.  I did!  It was a small thrill of excitement.  The laneway was maintained, and all snow removed, it had a certain welcome feeling.  I opened my car door, Target jumped out and was at home.  No leash, no bylaw.  Only peace.  It would be an understatement to say he loved it.