
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Room Where It Happens

  ‘No one really knows how the game is played The art of the trade How the sausage gets made We just assume that it happens But no one else is in the room where it happens” (Hamilton, Broadway musical*) The impression of how political and planning decisions get made hasn’t changed much since the time of Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804). The blockbuster Broadway show sharing his name, featured the song quoted above titled “The Room Where It Happens”, and I suggest you cue that up on your Spotify or YouTube as a backing track for this blog… I’ll wait while you get it set up…. The impression we have of government planning is one of secrecy, backroom deals all shrouded in mystery. But this month, the door to the room was opened by the Town Of Aurora planning department. Thank you! The Aurora Cares, Housing For All committee received an invitation from the planning staff to participate in the affordable housing action plan.  A copy of the plan was shared with us by the planning committee an